
Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm

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Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm

Building regulations in Ireland

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Because you will not come up against the brick wall with us! Building regulations in Ireland? Did you know that buildings are the single largest energy consumer in Europe? Heating, cooling, and domestic hot water account for 80% of the energy that we consume. They are also responsible for approximately 36% energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. […]

Breath in with PHS!

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Dear readers, Breathe in…and let the reading begin! Did you know that the verb ‘ventilate’ has been recorded in English in early 15th century? This word comes from Latin ventilare meaning ‘to brandish, toss in the air, winnow, agitate, set in motion’ – its original notion is of cleaning grain by tossing it in the […]

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    Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm